Мобільний додаток

Клас предмета

За замовчуванням


Ліміти Float value

collection_iconThe 2018 Nuke Collection
collection_icon Випадає з 3 кейсів

Мінімальна ціна

$ 4.32
Подібні предмети
Souvenir AWP | Acheron (Battle-Scarred)
6 днів
$ 4.32

AWP | Acheron

Про AWP | Acheron

Влучання по тілу143 / 140
Влучання у голову459 / 448
Плата за вбивство$ 100 / $ 50
Магазин5 / 30
Ціна в середині гри$ 4750
Діапазон точності69 m
Темп стрільби41 shots/min
Швидкість бігу210

Skin history

AWP | Acheron appeared in CS:GO on September 3, 2018. It belongs to The 2018 Nuke Collection, dedicated to the eponymous map. This collection was introduced to the shooter in the “FACEIT London 2018 – How to Watch” update.

Pattern features

The skin is named after the river Acheron, flowing through the underworld realm of Hades. The receiver and buttstock of the sniper rifle are scattered with human skulls, each marked with a radiation hazard symbol. The overall gray and dirty blue color palette of the skin is interspersed with red spots reminiscent of blood.

Effect of the pattern index

The pattern index determines the placement of skulls on the surface of the sniper rifle. There are no valuable pattern variants for this skin.

Effect of float

Float Value of AWP | Acheron can vary between 0.00 and 0.83, allowing the skin to be obtainable in any exterior quality category. As the float value increases, the paint gets rapidly erased from the gun's surface. With heavy wear, almost all paint disappears.

Rarity and popularity

AWP | Acheron is categorized as the “Mil-Spec Grade” rarity and is available in a souvenir version. The skin is moderately popular among CS2 players.


Клас предмета

За замовчуванням


Ліміти Float value

collection_iconThe 2018 Nuke Collection
collection_icon Випадає з 3 кейсів

Мінімальна ціна

$ 4.32
Подібні предмети

AWP | Acheron

Про скін

Про AWP | Acheron